Background information

Citizens’ active participation in scientific development and knowledge production, commonly referred to as "citizen science", has received unprecedented attention in recent decades (Haklay et al. 2014; Hecker et al. 2018; Vohland et al. 2021). Because citizen science operates at the interface between science, policy and society, it has progressively appeared as a promising way to enrich research approaches and generate new knowledge, boost public engagement and increase trust in science.

While growing bigger, more ambitious and more integrated, citizen science has also adopted more and more varied forms. In this context, citizens are emerging as key contributors to an increasing number of projects, not only as passive data collectors but also as active agents of research activities and strategic agendas.

The Una.Resin project aims at facilitating citizens participation to science in all its diversity by building a community of good practice inside the Una Europa Alliance, encouraging institutional changes necessary to promote citizen science, and implementing a program of actions for knowledge sharing, mutual learning and team cooperation.

To achieve this goal, a first step will be taken with this workshop, during which participants will share their expertise, their practices, the difficulties they have faced, and how these can be overcome, in order to create a broader understanding of what is – and what could be – citizen science within the Una Europa Alliance.

Main aims of the workshop

Through this workshop we aim at:

  • gathering knowledge from experts (researchers and managers) for the defintion of concrete grounding principles and common standards
  • collecting  a set of best practices to promote citizen science at institutional and project levels
  • envisioning possible forms of cooperation within and between citizen science team

Collected inputs will lead to a manifesto or position paper, and the propositions elaborated in this way will be tested in pilots implemented within the Una.Resin project.


Participation to the morning and afternoon pleenary sessions is open but registration is compulsory.  For any question, please contact :



 Download the detailed Programme here



About Una Europa

Una Europa is an alliance of nine leading research universities and is one of 41 emerging European Universities. Our goal is to create a truly European inter-university environment by triggering institutionalised cooperation in the area of education, research, and societal outreach. Una Europa has the long‐term objective to transform the institutional framework of its member institutions to prepare for the next wave of global challenges. Una Europa leads: 1Europe (Erasmus+ pilot project) implementing Joint Innovative formats for education and mobility, and Una.Resin building common Una Europa eco-system of research and innovation.

Through the three-year ERASMUS+ ‘1Europe’ pilot project, Una Europa has taken initial steps towards creating a single educational eco-system for our students, by establishing a Europe-wide living lab for testing Joint Innovative Formats for education and mobility including joint degrees.

About Una Resin

Through the three‐year Horizon 2020 ‘Una.Resin’ pilot project, Una.Europa will determine the purpose and areas for future research collaborations within and beyond Una Europa. Una.Resin partners will create strategies for sharing Research & Innovation agendas, opening up and sharing Research Infrastructure and Resources, and strengthening Human Capital. Una.Resin will implement and evaluate pilot actions for the systematic support for excellence as well as create cross-disciplinary and cross-sectoral teams. During the process, non-academic partners of the universities will be reached out to strengthen the R&I ecosystem as a whole.

The Una.Resin co-creation workshop in Paris is a step towards fulfilling these goals. By engaging specialists and enthusiasts in a creative discussion we hope to generate insights and ideas pertaining to Citizen Science as a core component of the future Una Europa Human Capital Development Strategy.


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